Mosquito in the house
One of the things I’ve noticed since Randy died is how irritable and impatient I am. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I’m fairly irritable at the best of times, but lately I seem to be over the top even for me.
Some of my window screens have holes in them (thank you, Missy Cat) so occasionally some kind of flying bug will get in. A few days ago a mosquito must have gotten in because I woke up with several bites. And I was just enraged - How did it get in? Why didn’t I wake up after the first bite? Why did it have to bite me so many times? Isn’t someone working on some kind of genetic fix so mosquitos can’t reproduce?
I had to talk myself down because once I get on a tear like this I can latch onto everything that has pissed me off lately and just really suck the possibility of happiness out of my day. Which I guess happens partly because I still can’t really imagine having a happy day with Randy not in the world.