Another pinprick
I have many photos of Randy sleeping from high school until he died. I like this one in particular because, how does that happen?
I used to text Randy things I wanted to remember. When I look back at our texting history there are lots of shopping lists, to do lists, things I wanted to talk about. When I look back in our text correspondence I see many lists and not too many conversations because we were nearly always together. Yesterday I texted a note to his phone and got back a response: wrong #. In a way it’s silly to feel sad about it because he certainly doesn’t need a phone number anymore - it’s just another sad reminder of how things have changed.
It reminded me of a time that Randy got a text on his phone from someone saying, Hey, just wanted to let you know that I miss you, brother, and I’m thinking of you. Randy texted back to let the texter know he had the wrong number and they had a conversation about how the guy’s friend had died and he hadn’t realized that the number had gone to a new person. He was such a good guy that he would take that time to make someone feel better.