Another first

I voted today. I know - I got my ballot weeks ago and I procrastinated. I finally filled in the ballot and put it in the dropbox at City Hall.

In the past, Randy and I would go through the issues together, mark the sample ballots and then walk together to our polling place to vote. One of the many things we did together on a regular basis. If the weather was bad we might drive, or if the timing was right we might go to lunch after.

For the last election - I forget why - we had to do the dropbox thing, which plenty of other people were doing. There’s not much parking around so I drove, dropping Randy off with the envelopes, and then I circled around the block to pick him up again.

This year there was no one to discuss all the issues with and I almost didn’t bother. It’s California, for Pete’s sake. But I wanted to vote for Katie Porter so I dragged myself out, envelope in hand. When I got to City Hall of course there was no legal place to park so I parked in a reserved spot in the City Hall parking lot and walked over to the box. Then I drove home, went into the house and thought, So what?


Mistakes were made


What if