Bucket list
Just before I retired in January, Randy and I talked about making a list of things we wanted to do in the time he had left. At that point we thought we had at least 8 months, and he started a list of places we wanted to go as well as things to do. The list included a trip to Filoli, going back to Sunnyvale and Santa Clara to see how our old stomping grounds had changed, Golden Gate Park where our school had gone on field trips to the museum, the aquarium, and the Japanese tea garden.
I found the list when I was moving his desk out of the room to make space for a hospital bed, and it really pissed me off so I threw it away. The Monday after he died, though, my daughters Erin and Kendall and I took a trip out there. The weather was beautiful, the flowers were beautiful, we had lunch (I had some sparkling wine out of a can - who knew?). I spent some time remembering the last time Randy had been there and wishing he had been able to come with us. He would have loved it.