The best find and the worst
Because Randy and I were almost always together over the last few years we didn’t talk on the phone much, and there was not much need to leave each other messages. Like most people, we would call and if the person didn’t pick up we would hang up and text instead. Which means I had no recordings of his voice, and I was so sad about that.
But the other day I was sitting in bed looking at my phone trying to find a voicemail left by a medical office. So I was scrolling through them and when I got to the bottom I saw there is a place to go to Deleted Messages. I had never seen this before because I rarely look at my voicemails. But I clicked on it and I found several from Randy, some dating back to 2018. I started listening to them and just sobbed hearing his voice.
They are almost all times when he was in the hospital over the years, letting me know he’d been admitted, that a doctor would be coming in to explain things, just asking me to call him back. They’re not great quality and some bits are a little mumbly and hard to make out, but in one he says, I love you very much.
Greatest thing - I can listen back to his voice. Worst thing - I’ll never hear him again.