More about the kitchen
We were together most of the time, so much of our texting took place while Randy was in the hospital - he’d get pneumonia and have to stay in the hospital for a week. Generally speaking he didn’t mind - I would visit during the day and then text in the evening as I was watching television with no one to talk to. When he was gone I never cooked - I would order pizza from my two favorite places and eat the leftovers until he got home. And I wouldn’t clean the kitchen at all - knives and cutting boards would just pile up. You’d think I would just take a moment to wash the knife I’d used and put it back in the block to use the next time - but, nope. Randy teased me about it all the time.
Sometimes now I scroll through our texts - a blend of pain and pleasure. We were funny together and it’s good to remember that so not every memory is blotted out by the horror of those last days. Here’s a sample:
Me: I ordered pizza, of course, and now I realize I’m going to have to wash the cutting board. Which is sad because I just washed it this morning.
Randy: Oh my gosh. Why not throw it out and use the other large one?
Me: Because then you’d know.